Monday, May 9, 2011

Trahlina Diary: Part 2

Dear Diary,

I didn't have much to do at home after work these first couple of days so I decided to go to the library and see if they had a chess table. They didn't, but I got to play games on the computer, and I even solved a dilemma! I figured out how to fit things into a knapsack more efficiently! . . . Not that I wear one of those, but I guess someone needed to know how to do that.

Since I have a little bit more funds because of working these past couple of days and I hated bathing in the sink, I decided to sell it and get a shower instead. It's insanely cheap, like my bed, but hey, at least I can wash my entire body off!

I have still been eating at Hogan's every day, although the other night I tried to look for some edible plants at the park. The one across from my house is a no-show for gardens. Although it is a fishing spot, I will have to remember that for later.

Greater news than my shower, I got promoted today! To Bed Pan Cleaner... Now, that's not so awesome, but at least I don't have to donate my organs anymore.

I'm super tired! Must rest up! I have a different job, but I start work at the same time.

* * *

Dear Diary,

This afternoon I am well rested and I have a few more things at home now. I bought a cheap fridge so that I don't have to continue eating at that diner every day (it was NOT good for my waistline), although now I have to eat quick meals. I also had to buy a sink, because my dishes were going all over everywhere and just stinking up the place! Why you can't throw away a quick-meal soup bowl, I'll never know!

I have been spending most of my free time at the Library. For instance, this morning I woke up super early -- 2 AM -- and so I went over there and played computer games for hours before work. I needed it to de-stress myself. . . I was going Nutso! All I could see was RED... And we can't have that -- not if we are going to make money and meet a man! No-sir-ee-bob!

* * *

Dear Diary,

It's Saturday now, and it has been nearly a week since I moved into Sunset Valley. I decided to go swimming to celebrate at one of the public swimming pools in town. I met a few people who had also decided to swim today, although no one was exceptionally interesting. I had a contest with one person, Miraj Alvi, to see who could hold their breath the longest. It was an extremely close call, but I won!!

After I was done at the pool, I decided to take myself to dinner and I ate at Hogan's again as a treat for making it through the week.

Now it's time for bed again. If only my bed were more comfortable! I still hate this bed!

* * *

Dear Diary,

Today wasn't that eventful; I cleaned up what little bit of house I have. In the process, my sink broke on me and my toilet clogged! It's a good thing there are public toilets around town. . . I can't do anything about it until tomorrow after work, seeing as how I have very little money left on me.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Trahlina Diary: Part 1

Dear Diary,

I, Trahlina Cahmii, live on a beautiful street, in a beautiful neighborhood, on a beautiful plot of land; but I have only have 40 simoleons to my name, a tiny one room "house" with a toilet, a sink, and a cheap bed inside it.

I am miserable.

On the bright side, I really love my front door and my pretty toilet seat; they made me excited. I cried over my bed. . . It's such an ugly bed! :-(

Since I only have 40 simoleons, I needed to get a job. I want to be a Surgeon one way, so I got a job at Sunset Valleys own Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital! I am so excited! I start on Monday. I wonder how I will get along with my new boss, Morgana Wolff. . . I hope she's nice! So far, I have met her husband and a few other Sims who were standing outside of the hospital after I applied. Her husband isn't that interesting, and I met no-one else that caught my fancy.

I don't have a kitchen at home, so I went to have dinner at Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner, they have the cheapest meals in town. Pretty good, but I'm sure that it's not healthy for me to be eating all of the time.

I called Morgana when I got home this evening, and we had a nice chat. Not sure if she'll become a good friend, but it's a good start.

Well, it's time to rest up! My first day of work is tomorrow. Not looking forward to sleeping on that ugly, uncomfortable bed. . . But rest is rest, I can't be exhausted when I get to work in the morning.

The Founder

My founder: Trahlina Cahmii.
Family Trait: Vegetarian
My legacy will be a Matriarchy

First off, let me apologize for the crappiness of Trahlina's photographs, I didn't realize I could take screen shots within the game when I first started my Legacy. .. And, as I said in my first post, I have only just recently begun to share my Sim adventures! It actually makes Simming more fun! Thanks for sharing it with me :-)

I chose only the family trait in the list of traits that my founder has, although according to the rules I could have picked all of the traits. I thought, why not mix things up? I always pick all of the traits of all of my Sims, so I thought I'd give myself a challenge.

Other Traits: Workaholic, Genius, Easily Impressed, Friendly

I moved her into "15 Summer Hill Court," and built her a tiny room and put a bed, a sink, and a toilet in it. Her lifetime wish is to become a World Renowned Surgeon.

Trahlina writes in a diary, almost daily. Her life gets pretty busy, so I can't expect her to write about it every single day. I will be posting up her diary entries in subsequent entries.

Beginning my Sims Blog!

I am so excited! I decided to start a Legacy! This is something I've never done and I'm crazy excited about it.

I have been a Sims player since the first version appeared, but this is the first time I'm really getting into sharing anything about it, so forgive me. . . I didn't get pictures of when I created my founder and all that. . . But I did write everything down! You'll be able to go through the whole journey with me!

This first post is mostly to help me figure out how to format my blog, and then I'll get into the juicy stuff :-)

Feel free to share a link to your own Sims Legacy Blog if you have one!